What is Worse than Having to Use a Filthy Restroom?
Answer: Subjecting your family & friends to the same horror! Well… by downloading THE STANKER “DON’T EVEN STANK ABOUT IT!” ™ restroom finder mobile app, you can locate and navigate to the best-maintained restrooms within your immediate location or the civilized world in a matter of seconds.
Public Restroom Finder
The Stanker “Don’t Even Stank About It!” ™ is a free mobile app for individual users that advises you and allows you to advise others of the sanitation status of public restroom finder. You can give back by allowing others the privilege of planning more enjoyable and hygienic trips. You can also locate and navigate to The Stanker “Gender-Friendly Restroom”.
Get updates (as preferred) of improvements of restrooms that you reported; and express yourself with text, photos, and The Stanker emoji ratings; “Smell Like Pee”, “Smell Like Poop”, “Stank” and “I Stank Not”.
Facility Owners (Claim Your Facility)
The Stanker “Rose” Package – $159
*After reaching 300 or more “I Stank Not” ratings – you will have officially “wiped” away the competition; so you may consider the following, a process of “elimination”:
- Your facility will be added to The Stanker “I Stank Not” database;
- Consumers will be assured of a pleasant restroom experience upon patronizing your facility;
- As an owner of your business, you can respond to users’ comments, and post updated pictures to ‘accentuate the positive; eliminate the negative’; and
- Your business is eligible to upgrade to The Happy Stanker! This is where the real fun in restrooms begins – (not applicable to those with unsavory fetishes; of course.)
- *No other emoji rating (Smells Like Pee, Smells Like Poop and Stank) can have a higher rating than “I Stank Not”
The Happy Stanker Package – $69
*Reach 300 or more “I Stank Not” ratings: and subscribe annually to The Stanker “Rose” Package, and suddenly, you are the cream of the crap… um… crop! Your place of business has risen to the top. …essentially a “floater”; effortlessly, without so much as a strain on the drain:
- Have the most “I Stank Not” ratings in your state in a calendar month and be featured as the “Restroom of the Month” on The Stanker website for your state;
- Have the most “I Stank Not” ratings in your country in a calendar month and be featured the “Restroom of the Month” on The Stanker website for your country;
- Monthly statewide winners are nominees for the annual “The Stankies Award”; and Winner of The Stankies Award will retain The Stankies Trophy for one year and be featured on The Stanker website for exemplary maintenance of their facility’s restrooms.
Gender-Friendly Restroom
Have your facility listed as a “Gender-Friendly Restroom”
Let your customer know that you are not just “exclusive”, but “inclusive” as well. All genders are welcome at your place of business; as discriminating restrooms are Stank restrooms; and
• Gives your business an option to purchase The Stanker “Gender-Friendly Restroom” bathroom signage.
The Gender-Friendly Stanker Package – $99